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2 March 2012

Old Stuff Day 2012 Tervigon Conversion Still Valid?

Nick speaking,

For this years Old stuff Day post, I went through last years posts and found this one that didn't get any comments at the time. It is pictures of my completed Tervigon and Spawn marker conversion, but now that the new Tervigon kit is out, is it still valid? I based it on the large oval base, and it's about two inches shorter than a Trygon! I was thinking of using it as a HQ Tervy, and then the new models as Troops Tervies to distinguish them, but is it still valid! What do you think? 

Here are a few pictures of my now completed first Stinger Hive Fleet Tervigon and Spawn Marker, hope you like him...


  1. Still valid to me! Thanks for participaing in Old Stuff Day 2012, nice re-post and excellent paint job on the conversion. Looks good!

  2. No problem, it's a great idea, there are a lot of old posts out there that some people may have missed for whatever reason. Glad you liked my mini :-)

  3. Kevin Bashford2 March 2012 at 12:18

    I think the only binding factor to wether or not a model is still valid in GWs eyes is the same for any of their rogue trader sponsered tournaments.  Which is as long as the model is 80 or more GW parts it's a valid model.  Any arguements in the case of it's two big or two small can be "diced off" if you don't agree with your opponent.

  4. Thanks for your comment. This is made out of about 95% GW bits with a bit of green stuff for the centre spines and birthing sack, so it should be fine on that basis

  5. the only two things that really matter these days is:
    -Base size
    - Model height

    If we meet in a tournament and and we understand that for targeting purposes the model is really 2 inches taller, then there is no issue. If there is an attempt to hide behind hive guard now that the real model is out, there will probably be an issue.

    In friendly games, it's not a real issue.

  6. I would be fine to say it was taller for targeting purposes, I certainly didn't model it thinking about saves at all, just went from the Codex picture. Like you say, for friendly games it really shouldn't be a problem, hell, I use my Wulven and a Fenrisian Wolf on a 40mm base and call it a Thunderwolf, I just make it clear what it is and how big it should be, and we play it as if it it the same size as the Canis Wolfborn model. Had no problems with that.

  7. Still valid in my eyes, its obvious what it is so I can't see why anyone would have a problem with it.  It looks awesome by the way :)

  8.  Thanks mate, glad you like him :-)

  9.  I have the same issue with my 4 tervigons to. 1 custom built one (the runt) and 3 chapter house ones. mine I think are also 2 inches to short (runt is probably 3 inches short)
     One the other hand I used round 120 mm bases so all good there.
    (figures I just got them painted in December)

  10. Dude, I think that's pretty cool. I was actually saying to another Tyranid player last night, if your conversion is obvious what it is meant to be and is about the same size, then there isn't a issue. If there's a issue then someone needs a tissue, ha I am a poet and I didn't know it ;)

  11. Solid conversion. I just don't know how all this is going to play out. I imagine as we see more and more of the 'official' model on the tables that we will start seeing fewer of the old converted models. I wouldn't have a problem at all in playing against a converted model. As long as it is pretty close to the same size and I can tell what it is I have no problems with it.

  12.  Thanks, yeah only time will tell

  13. I'm seemingly with everyone else on this one.  New models don't invalidate old ones.  GW still allows you to play the old terminator models on 25mm bases.  You're still allowed to use the smaller classic rhinos and land raiders, why would you not be able to use this?

  14. That's a fair comment about using old minis without any problems, thinking about it, I am using the previous metal Carnifexes and they are smaller than the new plastics anyway!


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