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28 September 2012

Stinger 'T Nids' Battle Report

Nick speaking,

With my 'T Nids' potentially being the only 5th Edition list that would still work in 6th, I thought I would give it a go in this game against Blood Angels. I did make a few tweaks to the list as I can't see any point keeping Adrenal Glands on the Trygons anymore, there is now no initiative bonus with them and they have the smash ability anyway!

Stinger 'T Nids'

1 x Tervigon/Toxin sacs (175)

1x Tervigon/Adrenal glands/Toxin Sacs/Catalyst (195)
1x Tervigon/Adrenal glands/Toxin Sacs/Catalyst (195)
1x Tervigon/Adrenal glands/Toxin Sacs/Catalyst (195)
10 x Termagants (50)
10 x Termagants (50)
10 x Termagants (50) 

1x Venomthropes (55)
1x Venomthropes (55)
1 x Doom of Malan’tai/Mycetic Spore (130)

1x Trygon (200)
1x Trygon (200)
1x Trygon (200)

1750 Points

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26 September 2012

How to make Lethal Terrain

Nick speaking,

I have been on a bit of a terrain kick lately and one of the new terrain types in 6th Edition that took my fancy, was Lethal terrain. I don't think it's the type of terrain piece that needs to be too big as it's probably not going to be walked on too often. I was sure that a small section of this new terrain might add a little extra eye candy to my and my buddies boards, so I decided to make each of us a piece of Lethal terrain.

One piece for my Necron Terrain board...

And one piece for my buddies grass board...

So, here is a quick tutorial on how I made them. First I got some thick card and cut out a couple of random shapes...

I then poured on a very generous amount of PVA glue onto the board spreading out the edges slightly. I then added the dead Marine and Necron to give it some character. I then dripped some super glue over the PVA glue, which is where the effect comes from. The effect will not happen right away, but you can start to see it happening here in the second picture which I took about three hours after dripping on the super glue...

Once it was fully dried I painted up the dead models...

Next I washed them with a heavy wash of Biel-Tan green for my Necron piece and Baal red for my buddies piece..

Then I dry brushed the green piece Scorpion Green and the red piece Blood Red, before I gave them a coat of glossy varnish. I made sure I didn't get any varnish on the Marine or Necron so that the lethal material really stood out from them...

Lastly I glued some sand and a few rocks to the edges and painted them up in the appropriate board colours...

Here is a video I made of me making these pieces, just in case you want a closer look...

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25 September 2012

Necrons at Games Day 2012

Nick speaking,

Sadly I didn't make it to Games Day this year, but I was very interested to see some pictures of the new Necron stuff that maybe coming up from Forge World. So lets have a look at the pictures and see what we think of the new stuff. All images and information is from Fred's Warhammer Stuff Blog...

The Necron Night Shroud:

It looks alright, but I am not sure about the canopy and those side bits just look really out of place to me!

The Necron Tesseract Ark:

Looks like the back of a Ghost Ark with some dodgy front section on it. I really think this doesn't match in very well to the Ark piece, it looks too much like a blob and isn't delicate enough looking for me!

Necron Sentry Pylon (wip):

What can I say, just a feeble looking Pylon!

Sorry to be a bit negative here, but that's what my initial thoughts are. Sometimes things do grow on you though so I may change my mind, and it's fair to say, if this Necron terrain eventually makes it onto the market, that would be pretty cool...

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24 September 2012

Chaos Space Marines - New releases

Nick speaking,

Latest Chaos Space Marines Video now up...

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Ravener Two Minute Silence

Nick speaking,

When 6th Edition came out my Ravener models were jumping for joy, the new Beast rules of ignoring terrain and the Fleet rule letting them re-roll dice for the assault, actually made these models much better than they were before, sure they could be instant deathed, but still. So my Raveners went from being on the bottom of my painting list to third place after my Winged Hive Tyrant and Swooping Hawkes...

And then, lo and behold...

Q: Do models that ignore difficult terrain when moving or charging
still fight at Initiative step 1 if they charge through difficult terrain?
A: Yes.

Oh dear, not a problem for my initiative two Scarabs, but a big problem for my initiative five Ravener! So lets please have a two minute silence whilst my Ravener slip back down my painting list...

.......... thirty seconds

.......... one minute

.......... one and a half minutes

.......... two minutes

Right, time to get noisy again! Is it really that bad for Ravener? Have you found the recent FAQ changing your mind about certain units? Lets hear all about it...
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22 September 2012

Hive Tyrant Painted!

Nick speaking,

Following on from my Winged Hive Tyrant, here is my foot Tyrant, once again with magnetised Scything Talons and Twin Linked Devourers...

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20 September 2012

Winged Hive Tyrant Painted!

Nick speaking,

Here is my painted Winged Hive Tyrant at long last! I have magnetised his arms with the choice of Scything Talons or Twin Linked Devourers. Hope you like it...

See my painted foot Tyrant in my next post...
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18 September 2012

IDIC Mechdar (v1 List) Battle Report

Nick speaking,

This was my first battle against Blood Angels with my version one Mechdar list and newly painted Wave Serpents...

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16 September 2012

Find of the week - Missile Launchers!

Nick speaking,

I went into my local gaming store yesterday and found these on the shelf for just £10.00! I didn't even have to engage my brain to buy them, as my hand was in my pocket and paying all by itself! They will need cleaning up as you can still see some of the mold lines, but that's OK, I will be ripping them apart anyway to add a few Wolf and Chaos bits for my 13th Company Space Wolves, welcome to the fang boys...

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14 September 2012

Cardboard Tube Pipe Terrain

Nick speaking,

Quite some time ago, my buddy found three cardboard tubes somewhere and glued them together to use as a piece of terrain. He never got around to doing anything more with them than that and they have just sat in the bottom of his terrain box ever since. Well, I spotted them the other day and offered to paint them up for him, nothing too special, but at least usable, and he was happy for me to do so. Here is a quick run down on what I did with them...

First I sprayed them with GW Rough Coat...

Then Chaos Black...

I then went over them with a few different coloured spray paints that I had in the cupboard...

Gave them a wash with some watered down Vermin Brown...

Then I dry brushed them Chainmail and Boltgun Metal, adding a few bits of flock the the bottom two tubes to match my buddies grass board...

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11 September 2012

6th Edition Mechdar List v1

Nick speaking,

With my three Wave Serpents now painted up, it's time for me to revisit my Mechdar list. To be fair, with 6th Edition changing quite a few things up, it's more like starting fresh with this list, rather than a few tweaks here and there. So what to put in my newly painted Wave Serpents? Sadly Howling Banshees are out, but Fire Dragons are still holding up as the main Elites Choice in the Codex. I want to keep the units cheap though, so two small units of five Dragons for two Serpents it is. The third Serpent is going to have to have a maxed out Dire Avenger unit as usual, with the Exarch exchanging his dual cats for a power weapon and Shimmer Shield to offer them a bit more survivability. The third Serpent will also carry my HQ, which will be Eldrad, instead of the usual Farseer. As for the Wave Serpents themselves, I am currently just taking Scatter Lasers with the Shuriken Cannon upgrade, I really can't see the need for Spirit Stones or any of the extra Engines upgrades.

Unfortunately my Falcon and it's small Dire Avenger unit is just going to have to go in this list. I just cannot seem to justify taking the Falcon anymore and the small Dire Avenger unit it carried is just not cut out for the tasks needed in 6th. The tank itself has lost it's survivability and in most missions will not be able to score for me easily. My two Fire Prisms are staying in though, but once again I have dropped all the upgrades except for one Shuriken Cannon, as I had ten points left over at the end. It is amazing how many extra points you get when you dumb down the tanks a bit, which is great, as I now need to pack in some extra troops. Two groups of six Jetbikes with an Embolden Warlock in each will now join my Mechdar list, leaving me with enough points for an annoying group of Swooping Hawks and a single flanking War Walker as a cheap distraction unit.

Here is my final list, any thoughts and comments are most welcome...

IDIC Mechdar v1


1 x IDIC Eldrad (210)


10 x Dire Avengers/Exarch/Power Weapon/Shimmer Shield/Bladestorm (162)
              *IDIC Wave Serpent/Scatter Lasers/Shuriken Cannon (125)
6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes/2x Shuriken Cannon (152)
              *IDIC Warlock Jetbike/Embolden (50)
6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes/2x Shuriken Cannon (152)
              *IDIC Warlock Jetbike/Embolden (50)


5 x Fire Dragons (80)
              *IDIC Wave Serpent/Scatter Lasers/Shuriken Cannon (125)
5 x Fire Dragons (80)
              *IDIC Wave Serpent/Scatter Lasers/Shuriken Cannon (125)

5 x Swooping Hawks/Exarch/Skyleap (132)


1 x IDIC Fire Prism/Shuriken Cannon (125)
1 x IDIC Fire Prism (115)
1 x IDIC War Walker/2x Scatter Laser/Spirit stone (65)

Points 1748
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8 September 2012

Hive Tyrant Conversions ready for painting

Nick speaking,

Time to paint my 3rd Edition Hive Tyrants, I know I have had them for a long time now, but at long last 6th Edition has giving me some inspiration to paint them up, especially my Winged Hive Tyrant conversion. First though, I need to do a bit more work on them. I originally glued my much loved Scything talons on both models, but I think 6th Edition has changed things up enough now, that I need to take them off and switch them over for Twin Linked Devourers. Twelve, strength six, twin linked shots just sounds too good to turn down. Sadly there is no twin linked Devourer made by GW, so I will need to convert some up myself...

I have seen many different conversions for the Devourers, but I wanted to come up with something of my own, rather than copying someone else's work. I ended up making mine out of a Barbed Strangler cut off at the front, with two front sections of the standard Devourer joined to the front of that. I think the gun is about the right size for the larger Tyrant model and the the double twin linked front does the job nicely...

This time I decided to magnetise the Devourers and my original Scything Talons, just in case things change again in the future! So with all the work done, it's time to start painting...

More to come...
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