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30 December 2012

Necrons Vs Sisters of Battle with Grey Knight Allies

Nick speaking,

Continuing on with my Necron Scythe Veil list, and it's time to take version two of the list up against a Sisters of Battle army with Grey Knight Allies. The list itself is work in progress, as I am not one hundred percent sold on the five Deathmarks, so I am still using Pariahs as stand in models for now. I have had good success with ten Deathmarks, but the small unit of five hasn't really done anything for me so far. I am also considering dropping a few Warriors here and there to get myself another small unit of Warriors to camp on backfield objectives, but for now, here is the list I used for this game...  

Necron Scythe Veil list (v2)

1 x Necron Overlord/Warscythe/MSS/Weave/Labyrinth/Orb/Phase (225)
Royal Court:
1 x Cryptek/Abyssal Staff/Veil of Darkness (60)
1 x Cryptek/Voltaic Staff/Lighting Field (35)

8 x Necron Immortals/Gauss/Night Scythe (236)
8 x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (219) 
8 x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (219)
16 x Necron Warriors (208)

5x Deathmarks (95)

6 x Wraiths/6x Whip coils (270)

1 x Annihilation Barge (90)
1 x Annihilation Barge (90)

1747 points



  1. It looks like you took that with little hassles - your opponent needs to learn about "maintenance of aim" :)

    Have you considered only giving half your wraiths the whip coils? That way, you save points, you put the ones withouth the coils in front when they are moving and when you eventually charge if you alternate them then everyone still gets the benefits.

    Also, the tess. labyrinth... you could consider dropping that as MSS is usually enough. With the savings on that and the whip coils you could get your squad of warriors to camp at the back

  2. Thanks mate, yeah, I started with fewer Coils on the Wraiths and have been gradually working up to Coils on all of them, as I have seen them in action. I now find Coils on them all works best for me, it makes the unit easier to use and helps when you are down to just a couple of Wraiths.

    I love Labyrinth, I know MSS is great and does the job nicely in most cases, but there is something about the Laby. Maybe it is an Eldar thing, but there is nothing like that extra piece of trickery for when your opponent doesn't fail his MMS roll in a challenge :D

    Thanks for the suggestion mate, sadly, I think it will be the Deathmarks who will get the chop in this list, I like them, but they work better in units of ten, and I will save that for my Scarab list ;)

  3. with the deathmarks consider putting the abyssal staff cryptek in that group. The abyssal staff was ruled to have the same 2+ effect on the unit the deathmarks target and if you put it on an independent character it can really mess up a board. I dont take anything less than 3 squads with 3 crypteks now because they can use each others marks and mixed with the scyths quick deployment it becomes a serious counter to opponents that rush. meh, just a suggestion.

  4. Now that sounds like fun :D Thanks for the suggestion


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