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30 August 2013

Forge World Avatar Painting Challenge (part 3)

Nick speaking,

More work on the Avatar and I have now gone in a started the lava effects. The pictures don't really show it off in it's full glory, but I think it gives you a good idea of where I am going with it. I blended in from the edge with Scab Red, 1:1 Scab Red/Blood Red, 1:1 Blood Red/Troll Orange and a final Troll Orange highlight. Still plenty of work to do, but first I need to bring all the Lava up to this level...

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29 August 2013

Necron Super Phalanx 2k Battle Report

Nick speaking,

This was the first game with my updated 2k Super Phalanx list. I wasn't up against the greatest Blood Angel army in the world, but we still had fun!

Necron Super Phalanx

1 x Necron Overlord/Warscythe/MSS/Weave/Labyrinth/Orb/Phase (225)
Royal Court:
1 x Cryptek/Abyssal Staff/Veil of Darkness (60)
1 x Cryptek/Voltaic Staff/Lighting Field (35)

7 x Necron Immortals/Gauss/Night Scythe (219)
5 x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (180
5 x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (180)
5 x Necron Warriors (65)
17 x Necron Warriors (221)

5 x Deathmarks (95)
1 x Trarch Stalker/Heavy Gauss Cannon (165)

6 x Wraiths/6x Whip coils (270)

1 x Annihilation Barge (90)
1 x Annihilation Barge (90)

1x Aegis Defence Line/Quad Gun (100) 

1995 points

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28 August 2013

HELP for HEROES 'Salamanders' Charity Build

Nick speaking,

OK, it's early stages, but at some point in the not too distant future, you will have a chance to win a Salamanders army, donated, built and painted by the very talented YouTube community. All the proceeds from the project will go towards all the fantastic work done by the HELP for HEROES charity, which I am sure you will all agree, is a very worthwhile cause...

The project is being headed up by myself, bloodofthefallen1 and WarlordsWargaming, and we are aiming to raise as much money as possible for the cause. We have a good number of people already on the project, from people who are donating minis, to people who are going all out, buying, converting and painting minis from new. I have made a dedicated page on the Blog, where you will be able to find links to all the Channels involved and keep up to date with the army progress, including pictures of  finished work. It will also be the go to page for buying tickets to win the army when we get to that stage.

If you have any questions or want to get involved in the project, please contact us here:

So what is IDICBeer going to do for the army? Well, I was kindly donated a Dreadnought by Jason Prior, which I plan to convert and paint the best I can for the army...

Lots more to come, but to give you a taster, here is a sneak peak of a Dread we already have for the army, converted and painted by the very talented Vanhammer...

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26 August 2013

New Necron Sentinal Built and Reviewed

Nick speaking,

Following on from my previous post where I received my brand new Laser Cut Card 'Cyborg' Sentinal, with its awesome new plastic Crystal, it's now time to get it built and reviewed. The first thing to note, is how fantastic both the price and service of Laser Cut Card is, I have never had a problem with the product being damaged in the post, and it only takes a week to arrive from South Africa to the UK, which is great. Once you open the packet, this is what you will have...

All the shapes are cut all the way through, except for a small tab that hold them in place, just remove the tab and the pieces pop out. The instructions for making the products can all be found on the Laser Cut Card Website. Follow the building instructions as described, gluing all the pieces together with super glue. My top tips here are to have a hair dryer handy, once you have the piece in place with the glue, just zap it with the hair dryer to speed up the drying process, and to not glue in the Crystal at this stage, as you will want to paint all the cardboard first.

The Sentinal comes with two tops, the Crystal and a flat top for you to choose between. Personally, I wanted to magnetise my top, always good to be able to change things around, plus I can then use the new Crystal on my Laser Cut Grand Obelisk. I glued two 5x1mm magnets to the underside of the unit before I glued it all together, then I cut two small holes underneath the crystal top to glue two more magnets. As the flat top has some glyph to add, I just cut up a cereal box to give me a place to glue the glyph, and then added the magnets...

I then glued the main section together and added the struts at the top that hold the crystal in place. Very easy to build, very strong, and looks awesome. Next is to paint it up...

Don't forget that all comments entered on this post will qualify for my 500th Post, Laser Cut Card Voucher Giveaway! Click here for more details...
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24 August 2013

Necron Flayed One Army - Can it work?

Nick speaking,

With Flayed Ones being so bad in the current Codex, and the old minis being really cheap to get on the used market. I thought it would be a good time to make a Flayed One themed army and see if we can make it work! Thirty to sixty Flayed Ones to start with of course, but then what? How would you make them work? Infiltrate? Flank? Deep Strike? Or just walk up the table with the rest of the Phalanx? I would like to keep to a foot based list, with a bunch of Warriors as troops, after all, Flayed Ones are basically Warriors with claws. I am thinking sixty Warriors for this list with Nemesor to give the Flayed Ones Furious Charge or Counter Attack, and a couple of large Scarab units to head up the Phalanx. What do you think?

Flayed Crons (WIP)

1x Nemesor Zahnrekh (185)

20x Warriors (260)
10x Warriors (130)
10x Warriors (130) 
10x Warriors (130)
10x Warriors (130) 

20x Flayed Ones (260)
20x Flayed Ones (260)
20x Flayed Ones (260)

9x Scarabs (135)
8x Scarabs (120)

2000 points

On a side note, if you have any Flayed One minis that you wouldn't mind moving on, I am looking for some, old or new. I am willing to buy them from you as long as the prise is right. Please comment or message me if you can help.

Don't forget that all comments entered on this post will qualify for my 500th Post, Laser Cut Card Voucher Giveaway! Click here for more details...
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22 August 2013

Forge World Avatar Painting Challenge (part 2)

Nick speaking,

Just a little update on the Avatar Painting Challenge. I started with a couple of different shades of yellow on the body, with a very light red wash to give it some depth, but not too heavy to turn it orange. I then went over the armour with black. The next stage will be to blend the edges of the armour using red, orange and yellow. I also had to take the head, hair and tabard off, as it was hard to paint with them on. I have started painting the hair, it looks a bit bright at the moment, but by the time I dry brush it white and wash it purple, it should match the rest of my army.

Don't forget that all comments entered on this post will qualify for my 500th Post, Laser Cut Card Voucher Giveaway! Click here for more details...
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20 August 2013

New Laser Cut Necron Sentinal and Plastic Crystal!

Nick speaking,

As I am sure many of you are aware, I am a massive fan of  Laser Cut Card products, especially the Cyborg stuff, which I have most of the current range. So when I found out that the cardboard crystal top had been replaced with a plastic crystal, I just had to get my hands on one...

This new Crystal has been launched with a brand new piece of terrain, called the 'Cyborg' Sentinal, the Sentinal and new crystal is now supplied with the 'Cyborg' Defence Line instead on the Monolith and cardboard crystal, and is also available separate in a twin pack. Both are great value for money, and the old Monolith will be getting a crystal top as well, which I think is a massive improvement from the old cardboard one...

Really looking forward to get this one built up, I am sure it will be as easy to build as the other items I have had from them and just as strong. More to come when I have it built...

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18 August 2013

Codex Supplements! Where will it stop?

Nick speaking,

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...well, a few years ago anyway, the Eldar Codex had a supplement for each of the Eldar Craftworlds, as did many other armies. Supplements back then were pretty normal and I remember needing three rule books to play my 13th Co. Space Wolves (Eye of Terror, Space Marines and Space Wolves), which to be honest was a right pain in the back side!

Then GW got sensible and started putting all the units and rules together in one Codex. Like the previous Eldar Codex. You could still play a fluffy Saim-Hann army if you wanted, but then you had the option to take whatever units you wanted as well. Although not everyone liked this method, no one can deny that it's a lot easier to flick through one Codex than two or three!

Judging from the recent release activity, it's pretty obvious that GW has gone back to supplements! Now, I can see how this is a good thing, injecting some excitement into our armies and bringing new things to old Codex's. I for one would love to have a Genestealer Cult supplement that sorts out the current Genestealer rules, and I can see a lot of potential for supplements from that point of view....

BUT, why are the suppliment the same price as the original Codex? I don't do the download thing, so what I buy will have to be the paper version. Do they really have to make the supplements hardback covered? Surely a £20 soft back book would be fine for a supplement?

We all know that GW could have easily put all the Craftworld rules and extra fluff into a single Codex, but lets give them credit for not doing that, so that they can help out older Codex's and make a few extra pennies at the same time, but why are the supplements so expensive?

I don't actually own one of the new supplements, so maybe I am missing something here, maybe they are worth the money. Maybe I am just looking it from my point of view, where I have painted my Eldar army in my own colours so that I can pick and choose from any themed Craftworld I want. Sadly though, if I want to do that now and get the best from the rules, I will need to buy a Codex for each Craftworld?

What do you think of Supplements? Where will it stop?

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15 August 2013

Saim-Hann Battle Report

Nick speaking,

More test gaming with my 5th edition adapted Saim-Hann list, this list is more of a stop gap than anything, but it is proving interesting to see it in action, and this time I am up against an aggressive Blood Angels army...

IDIC Hann 2k v1

1 x IDIC Autarch/Jetbike/Fusion/Blaze/Mask/Mantle (168)
5 x IDIC Warlock/Jetbikes (250)
1 x IDIC Farseer/Jetbike/Spear/Witnessing (135)

10 x IDIC Dire Avengers/Exarch/PW-Shimmershield/Serpent/SL/Stone//Holofield (285)
6 x IDIC Dire Avengers/Exarch/Power Weapon-Shimmershield (108)
6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes with 2x Shuriken Cannon (122)
6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes with 2x Shuriken Cannon (122)

2x IDIC Vypers/SL/Shuriken Cannon/Holofields (170)
2x IDIC Vypers/SL/Shuriken Cannon/Holofields (170)

1 x IDIC Fire Prism/Stone/Holofield (150)
1 x IDIC Fire Prism/Stone/Holofield (150)
1 x IDIC Falcon/SL/Cannon/Stone/Holofield (170)

2000 points

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13 August 2013

Forge World Avatar Painting Challenge (part 1)

Nick speaking,

After having my Forge World Avatar for five years or so, it's time to finally get it painted. I know it still has issues on the table, that haven't been resolved by the new Codex, but as it was voted to be the next unit for me to paint by my YouTube subscribers, the challenge has been set!

More to come...
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11 August 2013

Army List Clinic - Death Company List Help

Rob speaking,

Thank you to everyone who has submitted their army lists to our Clinic. In today's post we will have a look at a Blood Angles, Death Company themed list, as submitted by one of our readers.
Email in:

IDICBeer Team,

I'm looking to make a Death Company Themed list.

What I came up with:

12 Death Co. (CCW + Pistol) + Lemartes + Land Raider Cusader w/ MultiMelta
10 Death Co. (CCW and Pistol)+ Astorath + Land Radier Reedemer w/ MultiMelta
10 Death Co. (Boltguns) + Rhino + Powerfist + Rhino
10 Tacticals + MeltaGun + Multi-Melta + MeltaBomb + Rhino
1 Furioso Dreadnought, Librarian (Shield + Wings)

The General Idea is that the 2 Rhino's and Librarian take the midfield and objectives, while the Land Raiders either rush forward to disgorge Mayhem. 

The tactical team combat squads as soon as the Rhino goes poof . The Boltgun Death Co. acts as a counter attack or does a flat out move on the enemies flank with the Furioso 

I've gone around and around in my head with the various idea's as well:

I've been debating taking God Hammer's instead of the Crusader/Redeemer, for the TL LasCannon Anti-Air Fire Support, but I'm not sure 8 Death Company will make it through those mean Tau/IG/Flamer over watches.

Of course, I could drop the Land Raiders altogether and just Rhino spam, and add in a vindicator or two. (this would be a long term solution as I don't have that many Rhino's or Vindicators bought yet)

I also thought about dropping two of Death Company in the Rhino and the Furioso, then adding a standard Librarian and Sang. Priest into those two empty seats to beef up that tactical squad.

Finally, I thought about adding in just a big crew of Scouts with cloaks and putting in them in cover, but with so many ignore cover weapons out there they seemed a little frail.

Ideally I'd like to cram as many Death Company as I can, obviously, but I find that when I do pure DC since they can't score everyone just sits back and shoots since they don't have to worry about objectives. Then again, maybe just one unit isn't enough...
Thanks for the help!


Thanks for taking the time to email the list clinic.

Your list is quite an extreme one and to win the game you’re basically looking at wiping out your opponent or at least dealing with all their troops, as Death Company cannot claim objectives.

I would stick with the Redeemer as it’s great at taking out infantry hordes/MEQs, while the Crusader is a little meh. Like you, I would like to see a God Hammer, which is great against Vehicles and Monstrous Creatures. It will only take a handful of Death Company to deal with IG/Tau (pretty much anything) in assault, against Tau you’re looking at assaulting an isolated target each time, this can mean trying to take out units within the 6” bubble of support, or tank shocking units out of support range.

I’ve tried Rhino/Razorback spam, which works to a degree, but falls down against armies with lots of STR7 shooting or fast combat units, which is most of the armies that are popular at the moment (Chaos, Tau, Eldar and IG). Landraiders are fantastic on the other hand, because AV14 is great against the Meta that 6th edition seems to bring.

I would like to see something like:

Astorath – 220
10 Death Company – Power Fist, Landraider Redeemer, Multimelta, extra armour – 490
10 Death Company – Power Fist, Landraider, Multimelta, extra armour – 500
10 Death Company – 10 Jump packs, 2 Power Fists – 400
5 Assault Marines – Razorback – Lascannon – 155
5 Assault Marines – Razorback – Lascannon – 155

This leaves you with a few free points to spend where you like (Priest).

In this list you keep the scoring units up and the vehicle count, but your scoring units will be a little more secure with the Razorbacks lurking towards your board edge away from the 30 Death Company charging into your opponents face for fun!

Its a fast aggressive list that I certainly wouldn’t like to face!

Please feel free to comment with your thoughts on a Death Company themed list, and if you want to submit one of your army lists to us, you can do so here

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9 August 2013

Eldar Void Stalker Painted

Nick speaking,

Here is my Void Stalker all painted up, I really enjoyed painting this first ship from the massive Eldar Fleet, that I got from my buddy Lew, over at 40kWarPaint. I hope you like what I did with it...

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7 August 2013

Necron Super Phalanx at 2k!

Nick speaking,

Time to move my 'Super Phalanx' list up to 2000 points. I have had a lot of success with the 1750 point version, but now that my buddies and I have moved up to 2000 points, I need to beef it up a little. With the tactics locked and loaded for the army, I don't feel like I really need to make too many changes to the list, but with the original list not having any Elite choices, I thought that would be a nice way to build up the list. Enter my recently painted and hardly used Triarch Stalker...

I think the Stalker will fit in the list quite well, as the army has a reasonable amount of AV13 already, and sort of making the rest of the army twined linked, sounds good to me. I know it will probably be a priority target, and that is why I have gone for the Heavy Gauss Cannon as the preferred weapon. The range of the gun will mean I can maybe hide it a bit at the back of the army or behind terrain, trying to get a good arc of fire. The extra range over the more popular Melta option, will also give me a much lacked long range gun for the list as well.

With one less Warrior, I have about one hundred points left over and an obvious second Elites choice, Deathmarks! I will move the Veiltek Cryptek from the Immortal squad in the Night Scythe, to join a unit of five Deathmarks, and the list is done...
Necron Super Phalanx (v1)

1 x Necron Overlord/Warscythe/MSS/Weave/Labyrinth/Orb/Phase (225)
Royal Court:
1 x Cryptek/Abyssal Staff/Veil of Darkness (60)
1 x Cryptek/Voltaic Staff/Lighting Field (35)

7 x Necron Immortals/Gauss/Night Scythe (219)
5 x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (180
5 x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (180)
5 x Necron Warriors (65)
17 x Necron Warriors (221)

5 x Deathmarks (95)
1 x Trarch Stalker/Heavy Gauss Cannon (165)

6 x Wraiths/6x Whip coils (270)

1 x Annihilation Barge (90)
1 x Annihilation Barge (90)

1x Aegis Defence Line/Quad Gun (100) 

1995 points

Battle reports to follow...

Don't forget that all comments entered on this post will qualify for my 500th Post, Laser Cut Card Voucher Giveaway! Click here for more details...
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5 August 2013

Games Workshop Profits!

Nick speaking,

It seems like all the extra releases have paid off for Games Workshop!

"Games Workshop have reported a 2.7% increase in revenue to £134.6m for the year to 02 June 2013. Pre-tax profit increased by 9.7% to £21.4m for the same period"
(Source: Retail Bulletin)

Are we being taken for a ride?

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3 August 2013

500th Post Giveaway!

Nick speaking,

That's right folks, I have just hit 500 posts on the Blog and am having a Giveway!
The Giveaway prize will be a £30.00 Laser Cut Card gift voucher, where you will be able to order any of the many fantastic products that are available on the Laser Cut Card Website, which includes some of the amazing stuff pictured below and the products I have reviewed in the past on my Blog.

The Rules:

1) You must be a public follower of this Blog.
2) Every comment on this post and any posts after this date will count as one entry.
3) Only one entry per post regardless of how many times you comment on a single post.
4) Gain five entries by sharing my giveaway in a Blog post (let me know when it's done).
5) The giveaway will end on 31st August 2013 and the winner will be chosen randomly.
6) You will have two weeks to claim your prize or I will select a new winner. 

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