Nick speaking,
I am always thinking about new fun lists to play and surprise my opponents with, so here we go with a Nidzilla themed list. It all came about when I got thinking about my three Mawloc models, they are all magnetised, but so far I have only ever used them as Mawlocs! So, with those thoughts in my head, I went ahead and made a list for three Trygons and lots of other MCs. I was limited to the models I actually own, but with using two detachments and Rippers for troops, I was able to get eight big gribblies into the list...
Nidzilla (v1) 1750pts
Primary Detachment
1 x Flyrant/Devourers (230)
1 x Flyrant/Devourers (230)
3 x Rippers (36)
3 x Rippers (36)
1 x Trygon Prime (230)
1 x Trygon Prime/Regeneration (260)
1 x Trygon (190)
Secondary Detachment
1 x Old One Eye (220)
3 x Rippers (36)
3 x Rippers (36)
1 x Carnifex (120)
1 x Carnifex (120)
1744 points
The plan will be to stick the three Trygons at the front with the Fexes behind them and push forward from the off, along with the Flyrants swooping forward on turn one. Basically charge and have fun, leaving the Rippers to reserve for objectives!
32mm Skeletons
Two weeks ago I showed you some 32mm scale miniatures. Lately I've been
painting not only fantasy heroes but also their enemies :) I don't know why
but I...
1 day ago
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