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30 December 2012

Necrons Vs Sisters of Battle with Grey Knight Allies

Nick speaking,

Continuing on with my Necron Scythe Veil list, and it's time to take version two of the list up against a Sisters of Battle army with Grey Knight Allies. The list itself is work in progress, as I am not one hundred percent sold on the five Deathmarks, so I am still using Pariahs as stand in models for now. I have had good success with ten Deathmarks, but the small unit of five hasn't really done anything for me so far. I am also considering dropping a few Warriors here and there to get myself another small unit of Warriors to camp on backfield objectives, but for now, here is the list I used for this game...  

Necron Scythe Veil list (v2)

1 x Necron Overlord/Warscythe/MSS/Weave/Labyrinth/Orb/Phase (225)
Royal Court:
1 x Cryptek/Abyssal Staff/Veil of Darkness (60)
1 x Cryptek/Voltaic Staff/Lighting Field (35)

8 x Necron Immortals/Gauss/Night Scythe (236)
8 x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (219) 
8 x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (219)
16 x Necron Warriors (208)

5x Deathmarks (95)

6 x Wraiths/6x Whip coils (270)

1 x Annihilation Barge (90)
1 x Annihilation Barge (90)

1747 points

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27 December 2012

Necron Obelisks Built and Reviewed

Nick speaking,

I managed to grab a few hours recently to build the two 'Cyborb' Obelisks I got from Laser Cut Card. As with the 'Cyborg' Defence Line I made, these went together in almost the same way. I would say the main sections were a bit trickier than the Defence Line was, mainly due to the larger area you have to glue. The key thing with them is to take your time and not try and glue the whole side all at once. If you start at one end and make sure it's dry before moving up the join, it is a lot easier, and with a bit of patience comes together very well...

You may also find it useful to build two corner sections first, let them thoroughly dry, and then join the two corner sections together, rather than going around the Obelisk one side at a time. The Glyphs themselves are very detailed, and you have to be careful not to lose any of the circles as you cut them out. Sadly this happened to me, but I was able to rescue the situation with a 2x1mm magnet being the exact size as the piece I lost. This kit has now been updated to include a few spare circles in case you lose any like I did, so don't worry about that...

Overall it took me four hours to make both of these, I have already ordered another four of them for my Necron themed terrain board. I see me building the next ones much quicker than these two and I am really looking forward to painting the whole set up and getting them on the table. Don't forget to go over and check out the other stuff on the website, Neal has just put up his brand new Chaos Defence Line which is well worth a look at...

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25 December 2012

Christmas Support Weapon

Nick speaking,

Just a quick post to say Merry Christmas to all my followers and fellow Bloggers. I know I have been talking about getting some Support Weapons for my Eldar army for a while now, but thanks to Father Christmas, I now actually have one. I will of course be magnetising it up with all the weapon options as usual, so watch this space for a tutorial on that. In the meantime, enjoy yourselves...
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23 December 2012

Loota Hill Signpost Gift

Nick speaking,

Just a quick picture of something I made for my buddies Christmas present. He has a piece of terrain that his Lootas always seem to be standing on, and over the years we have named it 'Lootas Hill'. So when I had a couple of hours spare the other day, I thought it would be fun to make him a signpost for it...

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21 December 2012

Old 40k Minis, Good or Bad?

Nick speaking,

Not so long ago I was reading an interesting post over on Imperius Dominatus about using old models in 40k. Lots of people have their own opinions on using them, with the main issue being the size, as some of the 'classic' minis are smaller than the new ones. At the same time this post went up, I was coincidently having a good look on eBay to try and find myself some old Necron Destroyer models! I have been looking for some of these for a long time now, but I have never really found any at a bargain price for me to buy them, until now...

So why the old models? Well, I for one don't mind some of the older minis, for me, they are a bit of history, and having never owned or seen the old Destroyer mini, I was actually very excited at having some. OK, the model does look aged, but hey, I still like it. I will probably start these off as stand ins for Tomb Blades, which I think the size and shape of the mini works well for. Then if I manage to find myself another three at a good price, I plan on having a whole unit of these as Destroyers in a Destroyer Wing army I am planning, but what would you say if I turned up with two units of Destroyers, one old unit and one new unit? Would you mind?

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18 December 2012

Necron Defence Line Painted

Nick speaking,

Here is my finished 'Cyborb' Defence Line that I got from Laser Cut Card. I painted it up in my usual Necron terrain colours and tried to get the Crystal to match in with the rest of the 'green rods' of the army. I am really loving this product and I think it looks great. Here is a link to the post I did about building the Defence Line in case you didn't catch it. I hope you like what I did with it...

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15 December 2012

Necron Obelisks Received

Nick speaking,

With pretty much all of my Necron terrain being built around the terrain generator ideas in the back of the old Necron Codex, I was very happy to receive my first set of 'Cyborg' Obelisks from Laser Cut Card. The Obelisks where the last things on my list to build from the terrain set, that I just never got around to making. If I like these two enough, I plan on getting another four to give me a full set of six to finish my terrain off...

Here are a few pieces of my other terrain in case you haven't seen them already, I also plan on using all the off cut patterns from the Obelisks and Defence Line to bling them up a bit. More to come when I have the Obelisks built...

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12 December 2012

Necron Defence Line Built & Reviewed

Nick speaking,

I am very pleased to say I have now built the 'Cyborg' Defence Line that I received from Laser Cut Card not so long ago. You can see a few pictures of the Defence Line in it's unmade state here, where I recently posted about receiving it. Now the thing to bear in mind about this product and Laser Cut Card itself. Is that it is run by Neal, who is just a fellow hobbyist who started making a few pieces of terrain for his own personal use, and was encouraged my his friends to sell some of it. Neal runs his website and makes this product along with others, all by himself.

Right, so here is my built Defence Line and a little review of the product...

I am pretty certain that you are probably thinking the same things that I was thinking when I first set eyes on this little gem, so let me answer those questions right away...

1) What glue do I use?

My initial thoughts were that you would have to use PVA glue, and that you would be waiting around for it to dry for ages with elastic bands and stuff, but super glue is absolutely perfect for this job. All you have to do is hold the section in place, drop some Super glue on the join and wait a few seconds for it to dry. You don't even have to get it in the gap of the join, as the glue soaks into the cardboard and fixes it that way.

2) If it's made of cardboard, it must be pretty flimsy?

Well, although this product looks like it just folds together and glues into place, it is actually so much more than that. The template of Neal's work is incredibly well done, and the depth of the blueprint design just shows you how talented he is. Each main section of the piece has three layers to it, and when all glued together, is actually very strong. The only sections that do not have the three layers to it is the upper struts, where the pattern on the side piece has a gap, leaving a small section with only one piece of card. This does seem a bit more vulnerable than the rest, but I solved this problem by putting some extra superglue in that area. The superglue soaked into the card and when it was dry brought the strength back into it with no trouble at all...

3) If it's cardboard, it must be a pain to build?

I have to be honest here, without Neal's instructional guide that he provides via email, I would not be able to build this at all. It's in no way just a fold and glue job as I first thought it would be, and that is why the end result looks as good as it does. Following the instructions is a doddle, they are very well done, with both pictures and simple text. Once I had built the first section, I rocketed through the rest with no trouble at all.

4) Is it the correct size to stand in as an Aegis Defence Line?

Yes, it is perfect, just the right size and has the same amount of bits as you get in the GW set.

As for the 'Cyborg' Monolith section, which started life as an Obelisk and then was adapted to be the 'gun' section the Defence Line. I liked the look of both of these designs, so I decided to magnetise my one up into both incarnations. First I magnetised the underside of the lid...

Then I cut a couple of holes out and magnetised the two top sections, keeping the magnets flush so that the pieces sat flush.

It's fair to say that the Crystal itself is a bit trickier to build than the rest of it. You will need to take your time and be patient, doing one section at a time.  I did mine using a small pieces of Blu-Tack behind each section, holding it together before I glued it as I built up the sections seemed to make it a bit easier to build...

Now all I have to do is paint it up, but there is still more. You end up with loads of left over cool pieces, which is going to be perfect for blinging up my other Necron Terrain, how amazing is that!

So there you go, as you can see, I am very happy with this product and I am definitely going to have a look at getting some of the other bitz that Neal also makes. Please go and check out his Website and don't forget to go over and follow his Blog where you can see all the other stuff he is working on....

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9 December 2012

First Footdar Game Vs Orks

Nick speaking,

My first ever YouTube video I did was a battle report for my Eldar, and I got slaughtered. So it only seems right that my 300th video on YouTube has to be a battle report with my Eldar also, and hopefully this time I will turn it around. I was up against Orks and I had my new foot list ready to go into battle for the first time...

IDIC Footdar V1

1 x IDIC Eldrad (210)
1 x IDIC Farseer/Spear/Doom/Fortune/Guide/Mind war/Runes of witnessing/Stones (183)
8 x IDIC Warlocks/4x Spears/5x Destructor/2x Embolden/1x Enhance (297)

8 x Dire Avengers/Exarch/Power Weapon/Shimmershield/Bladestorm (138)
8 x Dire Avengers/Exarch/Dual Cats/Bladestorm (128)
10 x IDIC Guardians/Scatter Laser (95)
10 x IDIC Guardians/Scatter Laser (95)
10 x IDIC Guardians/Scatter Laser (95)

8 x Fire Dragons (128)
8 x Fire Dragons (128)

5 x Swooping Hawks/Exarch/Skyleap (132)

1 x IDIC Support Weapon/Shadow Weaver (30)
1 x IDIC Support Weapon/Shadow Weaver (30)
1 x IDIC War Walkers/Scatter Laser (60)


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6 December 2012

Necron Defence Line Received

Nick speaking,

I have been looking at getting the Aegis Defence Line for quite some time now, but to be honest, I am not a fan of the GW model, mainly because three of my four armies are Xenos, and it just doesn't seem right to have an Imperial Defence Line for them. I also have a Necron themed gaming board with Necron terrain, so it sort of made sense for me to have a Necron based Defence Line. At least then, if my Nids were using it for example, it wouldn't look odd as the rest of the terrain would be Necron based as well.

Not so long ago I spotted a very cool looking 'Cyborg' Defence Line made out of laser cut card on a Blog called Leave no mini unpainted, where Neal, the owner of the Blog has designed and made a few things for wargaming with his card cutting laser machine. He is now selling these items on his new website called Laser Cut Card, which is where I purchased his Cyborg Defence Line.

Neal is readily expanding the range of items he does and has some fantastic pieces available, so please go and check out both his Blog and Website to see what he is up to. Right, so onto my received parcel, which I received in a very timely manner, and was really well packaged...

Not really that much to see, it's basically some sheets of card that have been cut into the various shapes needed to make the Defence Line. All the cuts are right the way through, except for one small section on each piece which is still attached to keep everything in place...

Now all I have to do is cut all the pieces out and start building it, I will post again about this when I have built it with a more in depth review of the product, including the gun emplacement sections.

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3 December 2012

IDIC Eldrad Painted

Nick speaking,

For the age of the Eldrad sculpt, it has to be said that the mini still holds up very well. I had a lot of fun painting up my old metal Eldrad. The detail on the mini is pretty amazing really, which made him rather tricky to paint to be fair. It certainly wasn't a five minute job, that's for sure, but I did thoroughly enjoy bringing him to life and I am really looking forward to him heading up my army. Please feel free to pop over to my new Dakka Dakka Gallery and rate him for me please, I could really do with some votes on him.

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1 December 2012

Necrons Vs Orks 750pts (game three)

Nick speaking,

After our first two games of Mech Necrons Vs Orks, I was really looking forward to putting my Foot list on the table to switch things up. My buddies Lootas hadn't really done much so far, so he quickly reduced the numbers of them and split them into two smaller groups, allowing him to put a Trukk in the list to see what it could do. Not optimal I know, but please remember these three games where just a fun night of small games to see the Orks on the table for the first time in 6th Edition. Hell, I even had Flayed Ones in my list!

Foot Crons...

1x Destroyer Lord/Scythe/Weave/MSS (160)

10x Immortals/Gauss (170)
5x Warriors (65)
5x Warriors (65)

5x Flayed Ones (65)

5x Wraiths/Coils (225)


Overall a great night, we both had a lot of fun rolling the dice and chatting away. I really enjoyed playing at 750pts, more so than when we tried out 500pts, so if you haven't done so already, I would highly recommend you have a go yourself.
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